1. Karen Brooks says:

    Hi Guys,

    I watched your tour video. When you are arriving at the airport (it looks like an airport). You all looked very tired, but you did your job. You have worked hard for these fans and you gave them the time they wanted. I am proud of you. I hope you continue your interaction with fans, or your music and videos won’t mean nothing.
    I am rockin’ Your dance fan at age 62 Karen Brooks

  2. Michael Contardo says:

    I love you guys <3

  3. Rhonda Zinsr says:

    Turqoise Jeep,

    Your music changed my life. The melodious vocals of Slick Mahony and the legendary dance moves of Flynt Flossy (who is, of course, my favorite rapper) have gotten me through some tough times. I strive each day to spread your message, and to keep the jeep ridin’.

    Much love from Madison, Connecticut – we love you, Turqoise Jeep!

    Peace n’ blessins,


  4. Robin Nuesca says:

    My husband is going to do Flynt Flossy’s amazing dance moves at our wedding reception! I am SO excited! You guys make me believe music still has a chance! I love what you guys do ad I share your awesome videos with everyone I can!
    Keepin the Jeep Ridin in Okinawa Japan!

    -Ninja Duck

  5. Tron DIzzle says:

    Any plans on touring near Colorado or Portland, OR?

  6. Clitgirl says:

    Come to Lincoln Nebraska!!!! I love you guys sooo much! <3

  7. ken wood shorty says:

    You guys rock, Im a fan and really respect you and your movement! I do music too, even though Im no where near your lane. Flint flossy I respect you so much watching you has taught me so much, You are on my top 10 MC list. When the Jeep rides Please set the GPS for Alabama we love you down here too.


  8. Enrique says:

    When are you guys coming to LA???

  9. Melissa C says:

    Please come to Cleveland!!! I would LOVE to see you in concert!!

  10. Neecie says:

    OMG, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! Flynt Flossy TRULY IS my favorite rapper, and Yung Humma is SOOOOO CUTE!!!! :-) When are you guys coming to the StL?! I’d definitely be there to see you all, front row and center!!! <3

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